Friday, December 12, 2014


I forget sometimes, you're only only four.
Behind your flashing eyes and devious grin,
I keep seeing something more.

I see you as a girl on your sweet 16
falling for the boy of your dreams.

I see you as a young football star
bringing your team in for the win.

I see you as the next big thing,
In Apple, in vogue, in the USA.

I pray what I do today will keep you off the streets.

But please remind me sometimes, for you see you're only four.
I see you hitting and biting, kicking and rolling on the floor.
I see you sharing and caring and letting others go first.
The future I see in your eyes is only my imagination.

Or is it?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Just Love

Love, the legends uphold a standard
No mortal can carry.

Love, a word so used its utterance

Love, a feeling unfathomed, unknown
A mystery.

Love, will make a girl do 

Love, something we all need but
Cant find in each other.

Love, it's so lost not even Sherlock will

Love, what God is made of.

Love, she hopes it's not made up.

Love, through my anger and my pain?

Love, even when he's screaming my name.

Love, keeps me here in the battle.

Love, a choice to submit and be shackled.

Love, is it worth it? Again and again?

Love, Yes. Let the games begin.

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When you are sitting in the dark on your favorite swing
under your favorite tree
and you look around you
you can see the fireflies
flashing to you
a goodnight...

And you see the shadows within the shadows
lurking towards you
only to discover
your own dear kitty cat
coming to cuddle
their goodnight...

When you look up through the great leaves
and see the stars
a goodnight...

To hear the sound of the crickets and frogs
a goodnight...

The boughs of your beloved tree
bending low
to embrace you

And the ghosts of your imagination
coming to kiss you

The wind

Creative Commons License

Two Into One

I am me and he is he,
Of that I do agree.

But who is he when he's with me
And who am I with him?

Is he me, with all my features tweaked
To be a more "him" me?

Am I him with all his angles dimmed
To be a more "me" him?

Are we two or are we one?
This question yet to answer.

Deceitless love will find its way
In dreams we have a harbor.

But who's to say our wicked world
Will let our hearts grow fonder?

It has a reputation, see,
To bend us 'til we break.

So let it be the queries three
This young girl has to offer

To this day no answer to be found
Nor solid proof displayed.

The answer it seems is out of reach,
Or is it just delayed?

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